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Stierli Simple CNC Series

Versatile and Programmable Bending and Straightening


The Stieri Simple CNC series of horizontal bending and straightening machines deliver a range of power coupled with precision bending programs created by the operator to meet specified shop needs. This series of nine horizontal bending/straightening machines deliver repeatable bends meeting exacting specifications based on stroke length. The nine machines range from 120 kN (13 tons) to 6000 kN (660 tons) of working power.

Operators easily use the CNC control with a modern touchscreen and 2-axis control to program the machine’s stroke length either by teaching in the position of the punch or directly entering it, or optionally to program the angle of the bend. It gives full control of the optional 1-, 2- or 3-meter back gauge for fast, accurate positioning of the part. The stroke setting can be adjusted in the program at any time in +/- 0.1 mm steps to offset material-related tolerances.

The control can hold up to 200 programs with 15 steps each. It is operated with the foot switch or the special manual control cable, with which jogging mode, automatic mode and the straightening function can be actuated. The very large working plate ensures effective positioning of very large bent parts. The special oil-lubricated guided cylinder requires no maintenance and no open guide.

Their versatility makes these machines indispensable tools for increasing cost-effectiveness and process reliability in:

  • Cambering (pre-tensioning, cambering) of steel beams
  • Straightening and bending steel beams
  • Straightening of steel profiles (L profiles, T profiles, I profiles, Z profiles, U profiles, rail profiles, special profiles)
  • Straightening of welded parts and welded structures
  • Straightening of steel plates and flame-cut parts
  • Heavy form bending work (work with heavy v-blocks or dies)
  • Bending and straightening of very large pipes

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